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Thumbnail Filmstrip of Toothache Formula Images
- Description
- Kit contains
- Ingredients
- Reviews
This is a drug-free and traditional way to stop tooth pain offering tempory relief in order to seek medical attention. Use common sense with all dental issues and seek medical attention when necessary.
Apply this formula topically as needed. Do not swallow but allow to soak into tooth enamal and gum tissue. Spit remainder of liquid out or swich with a little water and spit.
- Reduces tooth and gum tissue pain
- Creates tingly or numb feeling to reduce pain
- Has antibactreial and antifungal properties
- Offers anti-inflammatory action
Apply a few drops as needed.
Use caution: The liquid should not be swallowd. Adult supervision is required with children to avoid ingesting this formula. Not for infants and not to be used for teething pain.
Avoid: if taking anticoagulants as this herb can interfere with this medication.
Avoid: if pregnant or nursing.
Store product away from heat and light in an envirnomentaly controlled area. Refrigeration is not required. Shelf life is 10-years.
Ingredients: certified organic or wildcrafted prickley ash bark and organic alcohol.
Apply a few drops as needed.
"This Tootheache Formlua works." Francis Steffan, Eagle Point, OR