Research Report: Most Expensive Health Conditions

Research Report: Most Expensive Health Conditions

February 29, 2024 | 0 comments

by Wendy Wilson, Master Herbalist

Herb Profiles, Research Reports, Wellness Guides

Avoiding bad health is something we all strive to do. However, some conditions are common and are becoming more expensive for modern medicine to treat. According to senior Pharmacist Leigh Anderson, the US as well as some other parts of the world have health conditions we could avoid. When we look to modern medicine for help with conditions, the treatments are geared toward drug therapy to downplay symptoms which almost certainly lead to aggressive, invasive, and more expensive surgical treatments.

If you are like most Americans, you take some comfort in that a majority of the cost of treatment is covered by insurance. It’s common for people to opt for drug therapy and surgery instead of natural therapies because natural therapies are not covered by insurance. Let’s take a look at these common health conditions and see how we can protect ourselves.


Here are the most expensive conditions people are currently living with:

  • Liver Disease – Hepatitis viruses (most common is the C virus). Medicine expects baby bombers to contract liver disease and claims new treatments will cure people in just a few months. The cost can reach $168,000 for treatment and according to, there are reports that the new drugs (Harvoni and Sovaldi) put patients at risk of liver cancer and leukemia.
  • Low Back Pain & Neck Pain – 63 million (30%) of Americans experience back and neck pain symptoms and visit the chiropractor annually. The rest see their doctor and the annual cost is $88 billion. Patients are put on drugs for pain, spasms, and sleep issues. A big part of neurology is neck and back surgery and this is where a majority of those seeking help at the doctor’s office will end up.
  • High Blood Pressure – Medicine expects 1 in 3 Americans to develop hypertension. Americans spend $83 billion on medical treatments that are simply symptom management that eventually leads to heart failure. Hypertension is so lucrative that drugs are being prescribed to patients in their thirties. This epidemic is caused by poor lifestyle choices like processed foods and lack of regular exercise and explains why 4% of children (ages 4 to 18) have blood pressure problems.
  • Diabetes – Over 10% of Americans are suffering from diabetes with an estimated 30% undiagnosed with the disease. Over $100 billion is spent on medical treatments. Do your homework on your diabetic drugs as reports that diabetic medicines have been reported to cause the following health risks: bone fractures, thyroid cancer, heart failure, kidney failure, macular vision problems, and death. Finland has published statistical data and put it into a chart to show that there is a correlation between vaccines and diabetes. Medical studies have stated that injecting infants with vaccines causes inflammation and creates a diabetic condition within four years of receiving the vaccine. Finland’s chart below supports that research.

  • Osteoarthritis & Joint Problems – In the US, 1 in 2 people develop joint problems in the back, neck, knees, hips, or hands. This is a costly condition to treat medically spending $47 billion a year. Most people expect that wear and tear is the cause. However, we have countless examples in ancient writings that this was not a common occurrence. Doctors will prescribe many drugs for pain and inflammation and then resort to surgery. Knee replacement surgery is the most popular procedure followed by hip replacement surgery. We are not taught how to look after our joints. No one talks about joints until they experience stiffness after the age of forty.
  • Pulmonary Diseases – Emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, and the combo condition of all three of these conditions that modern medicine calls COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) are on the rise. We’re told that these conditions are on the rise due to pollutants, chemicals, allergies, and lifestyle choices (smoking). People fail to notice that many prescribed medications can create the condition as well as some vaccines have been linked to pulmonary side effects.
  • Mental Health & Behavior Disorders – More people are struggling to cope with their environments. Anxiety and panic attack disorders are surging along with cognitive and attention deficit disorders. We are a world with epidemic depression costing $71 billion annually. The prescribed drugs seem to make conditions worse causing a “rebound effect.” Some prescription medications for other conditions can produce drug-induced dementia symptoms. Research the drug therapy by typing in the medication name and then “side effect.” often lists the rare with the common side effects. Or you can look a medication up in the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) found in libraries and bookstores.
  • Cancer – According to the Journal of American Medical Association, 1 in 4 deaths in the US involve cancer. The cancer conditions that have spiked costing $50 billion a year are breast, colon/rectal, and skin. The only way cancer rates will truly decline is if we reevaluate vaccines, tobacco use, and alcohol abuse and invest in whole food nutrition the body needs to function and fight disease. Science reports that cancer patients are very low in minerals, which are often flushed out by prescription medications, alcohol and tobacco use.
  • Falls & Injuries – In the US, 1 in 5 falls is a serious injury causing trauma. In these cases, broken bones are a result and often involve head trauma. We spend $76 billion on these injuries and many are avoidable. Falls by the elderly are also included. As we age we need to look after our balance reflexes with certain exercises and keep the bones and joints healthy with the right supply of plant calcium. Animal calcium has proven to be a poor source of calcium reflected in medical reports. The seniors on prescription medication also need to research their meds due to some can affect balance and put them at risk of falling.
  • Heart disease – Most deaths are linked to this disease and it often affects patients that have been on drug therapy for a decade or more. The medications are known to weaken the cardio system. Lifestyle plays a significant part in heart health and the Western diet has much to be desired in keeping our heart healthy and strong. Most people seeking help from modern medicine will inevitably find they end up with congestive heart failure, bypass surgery, or a heart transplant. According to the 2016 list of largest-selling pharmaceutical products, organ transplant drugs are on the list.


You have to admit, that modern medicine is a lucrative industry. Treating disease to make patients as comfortable as possible while suffering from symptoms does not address the cause of the condition and leads to a lifelong drug treatment plan. Trauma is a separate division within modern medicine and treating injury is not the same as treating disease. Trauma care is unlikely to become a lifelong drug treatment. There are 25 pharmaceutical companies selling products globally. Here is the list of the blockbuster drug sales:

  1. Organ transplant
  2. Infectious disease
  3. Cancer
  4. Antibacterial
  5. Cardiovascular
  6. Ophthalmology (eyes)
  7. Neurological (nervous system)
  8. Blood disorders
  9. Respiratory disorders
  10. Mental health disorders
  11. Diabetes

Drug companies individually generate $300 billion in profit annually. 15 drugs are generating over 12% of the sales each year. The drug categories that are the three biggest profit producers are:

  • Liver disease - hepatitis and liver cancer producing a 9909% growth margin and involve the most expensive medications on the market
  • Neurological – multiple sclerosis and other neurological problems producing 232% growth margin
  • Anti-clotting agents – stroke and heart disease with a 77% growth margin


People may not be aware that once the FDA approves a drug for the market, approval also grants the drug’s developer exclusive sales rights for a determined period of time typically between (6 months to 7 years). Other countries may have different exclusive rights and patent laws. When the protections expire this is when we get generic drugs often made in China. There is a growing market for generic drugs made in China. For instance, a majority of the generic antidepressants, migraine headache, hypertension, and tuberculosis drugs are made there. According to Bloomberg Market Reports, the generic drugs made in China sold globally were 50% of the market in 2011 and 75% in 2017.



More people are becoming skeptical of the healthcare establishment and the safety of products from pharmaceutical companies. This skepticism also stems from the unfavorable position of immunity with regard to vaccine injury. For many reasons, people are seeking alternative therapies. In the US, 30% are seeking natural ways to deal with health problems and spending $30 billion a year. More people are weighing the cost of out-of-pocket expenses to secure a solution versus health insurance paying for symptom management drug therapy.


Apothecary Herbs specializes in immune support, metabolic support, and toxin removal. Restore immune system strength and remove toxins that weaken the body with medicinal herbs. See the herb formulas below that have been shown to help the system balance and heal itself:


By embracing a lifestyle rooted in health-conscious choices, we hold the power to steer our lives toward vitality and well-being. While modern medicine undoubtedly holds its place in our care options, let's not forget where modern remedies originated from. The truth is herbs are packed full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and protein the body uses to regenerate. Apothecary Herbs Inc. is where your wellness options just became endless. Request a Free Catalog by calling 866-229-3663 (International: 828-469-5972) or going online at

*The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease. Seek medical advice from a licensed medical physician before using any product or therapy.*



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